
Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Beauty and the Beast

For the past few weeks instead of going to our normal classes, we chose three passion projects. One of the classes I chose is fairytales, in fairytales we got to read about the original tales from the Brothers Grimm and other fairytales. Near the end, we did a retelling of Cinderella so we could practise for when we did the actual thing. Our last project is to do a retelling of our choice, I chose to do Beauty and the Beast. I didn't change a lot of it because when people read it I want them to remember that it's still Beauty and the Beast and not something else. So here is my retelling of Beauty and the Beast.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Beauty and The Beast Retelling draft

For our final project, we did another retelling of our choice. I chose a fairytale which is "Beauty and The Beast", I chose to retell this because I've always been fond of their story. I didn't change a whole lot so you can still see the resemblance of the original story. Here is my first draft of the retelling.

Long ago tales of a beast living just outside of the town of Conquest began to spread. No one dares to go near the west of the village. It only takes a brave girl to save her father. 

An inventor by the name of Maurice fell sick, his daughter Belle was worried because he isn’t in a state where his sickness is normal. She brought in healers hoping they could do something but when they took a look at him they were frightened. Confused and more worried, Belle began asking questions. They took her outside and told her at he has a rare disease that only a flower can heal. That was the last thing they said before leaving. She hurried to her father’s library and started looking for a book about the magical flower that would heal him. She uncovers an old book tucked away in the corner and started reading. After hours of searching, she finally stumbles across a rose in a glass dome imprinted on a page, beneath it reads,” To whoever is willing to sacrifice shall be gifted with the power of healing”. She knew that this is what the healers were talking about but she still didn’t know where to get it. After more reading, she finds another image in one of the pages and a script below it. “ Who seeks and who’s courageous wanders through the woods of the west, thou shall find a castle and sacrifices themself.” Belle reads. Maurice walks in and breaks the silence, Belle knew that is was the right time to tell her father that she might be away for a while whilst she gets the things that would heal him.  Hesitant to say yes, Maurice agrees because he knew that if she did this they would have more time together.  

Belle, not entirely knowing what she’s getting herself into says goodbye to her father and makes her way to the west of the woods with some of her stuff. She took out the book from her bag and followed the map on one of the pages. After 15 mins of walking, she makes her way to the castle gate. Shivers across her spine as the gate squicks open. She opens the massive doors to the castle and a talking spoon appears and welcomes her. The talking spoon leads her to the dining hall where the “Beast” (she didn’t think that the Beast was real since she thought it was just a tale but she was very wrong) was. Frightened, she tries to run for the door but the Beast says he wasn’t going to eat her and that he was just going to ask a question. She gives in, knowing that this is the only way to save her father. She starts talking about why she was here, about her father and about the book. The Beast takes her to the conservatory where the rose was. Before opening the glass dome that the rose was in he says that he will give her the rose one condition, she has to stay in the castle for a few days so that the Beast can see if she is really worthy of getting the rose and saving her father. Belle says yes and the spoon takes her to her room for the next few days. 

They spent their first day having tea in the conservatory and the next few days they got to know each other more. Day by day they got closer and started sharing more of the sensitive parts of their life. One night Belle was talking about her mother and sister, they both passed during a fire in their family bakery.  The other night Beast who’s real name is Adam was saying how he came to be the Beast. He paid for his father’s misdoings by letting the old hag place the curse on him.  His father had once loved the old hag but left her for Adams mother, he has to find his true love for the curse to be lifted. The final night he had asked her if she wanted to dance, she said she didn’t know how to but once they started, they couldn’t stop. They both moved gracefully to the sound of the music, whilst they were dancing he was started feeling not so well. He was glowing but like a light, he transforming to his original state. He was human again. Belle was his true love. 

He ended up giving her the rose so she could save her father, they had their first sighting of each other when Adam visited Belle. He was so fond of Belle and Maurice that he invited them to live with him since both of them had been living in a small cottage. After a few years of living together, they decided to get married and have 2 children together. After that, they lived happily ever after. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Wonder Book & Movie

One of the changes that I like was the ending where Auggie got a standing ovation when he received the medal. I liked that ending because it ties everything together. I wish they put in the ending of the book into the movie when they were hangout.  One of the changes that surprised me was when Jack’s younger brother wasn’t in the movie. It was surprising because jack is one of the supporting characters so you would think that his brother (who is in the book) would be in the movie. Overall I liked the different changes that they made.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Cinderella Retelling

Last week we did our first retelling of a fairytale which is Cinderella, since I didn't get to finish mine last week I finished it today. Here is my take on Cinderella.

In a small castle far far away with only one neighbouring kingdom lived a family of three. A Father named Francis, a Mother named Frida and a daughter named Ella. To the outside world, they looked like a picture-perfect family but inside the walls of their castle, their family was crumbling. As much as they try to make things work, day by day more strain is put on their relationship. It was especially hard for Ella to see her parents fight. A few mornings later Ella woke up and went down to the hall like usual but this time her mother wasn't there to greet her. Knowing something bad happened, she goes to look for her father. She finds him in the conservatory sobbing.  She had left. 

With no trace of her mother, her father had no choice but to accept it and move on. A year had passed and her father remarried a noble woman, Lady Tramaine. She has 2 daughters named Anastasia and Drizzella.  It was hard seeing her father with another woman who isn’t her mother but she is glad to see him happy.  At first Lady Tramaine was treating Ella like her own but when her father went away for a business trip she would make her clean the fireplace and do the chores. She would have cinder all over her clothes, getting the nickname Cinderella. 

It was an exciting day because a prince was looking for a wife in the neighbouring kingdom. They got an exquisite invitation to go to a ball to meet the prince. Thrilled, Cinderella started working on her dress. When lady Tramaine found out that Cinderella wanted to go, she goes up to Cinderella’s chamber and took the dress. When Cinderella woke up she was devastated to see the dress burning in the fireplace. Knowing that Lady Tramaine did it she chose not to tell her father since she didn’t want them to fight. When her father asked her what happened to the dress, she simply said that a little mishap had happened and not to worry because she was just going to make another one. On the day of the ball Cinderella still doesn’t have a dress to wear, she decided to help Anastasia and Drezzella get ready. As she was tightening their corset her father pulls her aside to show her a dress that her mother had worn before they got married. He had wanted her to wear it to the ball. One little thing he mentioned was not to tell Lady Tramaine that the dress was her mother so she wouldn’t get upset. 

When Lady Tramain and the girls had left, she puts on the dress and makes her way to the courtyard to see her father with a carriage so she would go to the ball. When she got there Lady Tramain was overwhelmed by her beauty not knowing it was her step-daughter. With everyone watching the prince asked her to dance. Looking at the clock she noticed that it was almost midnight and her father told her to go by then. She hurries to go outside but the prince stops her asking her to marry him. She explains that she had to go home but says yes anyway. The next day she heard people talking down the hall, it was the prince from last night asking her father if he could marry her, she gets ready and they make their way back to the castle. Lady Tramaine wasn’t very happy, she sadden that Francis didn’t tell her anything about the dress Cinderella had worn the other night. She packed her and her daughters’ bags and left. 

On the day of the wedding, Cinderella was shocked to see her mother amongst the crowd. At the reception, she makes her way to her father and mother. Her father explains that Lady Tramain had left and Her mother decided to come back to see Cinderella get married, after that day they lived happily ever after. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2021


This week we are identifying the differences between the same story rewritten. The story we are looking at today is Rapunzel. On Monday our teacher read us one version of Rapunzel and today we get to pick which version to read and answer a set of questions.

1. Why do you think texts change over time?

I think the text changed over time to adjust to the small children who read the stories.

2. How come each version we have read of Rapunzel is different, even though they have been written by the same authors?

It depended on the time period, if it's ten years later the way they write changes.

3. What was the same or different in the two versions you read?
The main idea was the same but the way they told the same situation differs.

Buisness and Enterprize

The people in our group is me, Faye, Rinaz and Lina. Our company name is Christmas Mysteries and we are selling beaded necklaces and bracelets in a Christmas cracker. We will be selling our product in Hornby High School on Dec 1th. We are having a Market day to raise money so we can go on our end of year trip.


Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Footprint analysis

Footprints are a type of impressions forensics scientists look for in a crime scene. You can see which shoes go to which shoeprints by the design/ patterns/ tread, length, shape and wear. For footprints you can tell the differences by looking at the arch of the foot and the size and length of it.