How Rubbish Pollution Affects Us, the Animals and the Environment
What category does your issue fall under?
Social Environmental Ethical
What specifically is your issue (e.g. Global Warming, Pollution of NZ waterways, etc)
Rubbish Pollution
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Why is this issue important to you?
Because I knew that the Environment it very important.
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Your Focusing Questions
Resource 1 (first website, video, or source of info)
(Copy the website or video you use to get your information)
Resource 2 (second website, video, or source of info)
(Copy the website or video you use to get your information)
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Who/what does
_______ocean pollution affect)_________
It provides over 70 percent of the oxygen we breathe and over 97 percent of the world's water supply. Everyday, the ocean is under attack from natural sources and manmade pollution. Pollution does not only affect marine life and their environment, it also affects mankind.Mar 24, 2016
How Ocean Pollution Affects Humans - Planet Aid, Inc.
Nutrient waste comes from excess nutrients produced by humans. Really bad effect on aquatic life and can create algae blooms that can poison humans
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Question 1
What gets affected by pollution?
It affects amimal, people and the environment.
The Philippines is the world’s third-largest ocean polluter despite a waste management act coming into effect 18 years ago.
The last coastal frontier in the Philippine capital provides refuge to migratory birds as a natural typhoon barrier for millions of city dwellers.
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Question 2
How are the animal getting affected by the pollutions
It’s dangerous to marine life. Animals can get tangled up in this trash or ingest it.
Pollution may muddy landscapes, poison soils and waterways, or kill plants andanimals. Humans are also regularly harmed by pollution.
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Question 3
How are human getting affected by Pollution
Since we share everything on Earth with every living thing on the planet, what happens in one area affects everything too, no matter how far away. Pollution or the introduction of different forms of waste materials in our environment has negative effects to the ecosystem we rely on.
The worry here is that people are getting affected by the rubbish pollution and some people aren’t aware.