
Thursday, July 30, 2020



  1. Write down a minimum of 10 thoughts or observations about this picture.

ASK:... How, When. Where, Why, Who? .. to help you make decide what to write.


There is an old man named Thomas Lister, there is also a little girl beside the man.

He is related to Mrs Aplers. They lived in a mud house in Queenstown.

The man worked as a miner and he is married to Jane Godfrey and they

had a son named Arthur Lister.

  1. When you have finished, search for information on ,’The New Zealand Gold Rush’ and make notes in the box below re. What you have found out in your search.. Ask How, When, Where, Why, Who again to sort your information.

New Zealand gold rush

23 May 1861

His discovery sparked the country's first major gold rush. Thousands of diggers rushed to 'Gabriel's Gully' hoping to strike it rich. ... The Otago gold rush peaked in the mid-1860s, after which miners left in large numbers for the new West Coast goldfields.

Via google 

  1. Draw (or copy and paste)  and label an image you’ve found during your research. 

Gold mining claim – Marlborough region – Te Ara Encyclopedia of ...

Six Photos

For Hur1 we were given 6 photos and we have to answer a set of questions and write about them.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Six Photographs

Six Photographs by Dylan Owen

Make a copy of this document and save in your HUR 1 folder. You will complete the following work to share what you have learned from this reading. You must complete your answers in full sentences.

What was the main message of this story?

It is that pictures are important because we can look back on the past and learn from them.

The journal article looks at 6 different photos throughout NZ history. Re-read the paragraphs which match each photo and share 1 interesting fact for each photograph that you learned. 

Family of T.W Ferry

The parents had to hold the kids head so they won’t move.

Māori at Parihaka

They weren’t happy when the photo was taken.

Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee

It was the Queens 60th ruling.

Irini Kemara

She was wearing Pakeha and Maori cloths.

Māori Farm at Winiata Taihape

Trees were burnt down so they can farm.

Kitchen Interior by William Williams

The photographer is one of the people that lived in the house. 

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Resting heart rate

Resting heart rate means the number of times your heart beats each minute when you're not moving around. The normal time that your heart beats is 60-100 beats per minute. If yours is under 60 it is called tachycardia and if yours is over 100 it is called bradycardia.Heart rate: What is a normal heart rate?

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Growth and Fixed Mindset

Growth Mindset
A growth mindset is when a person that keeps failing or not being able to do something but they keep trying and trying until they get better and be good at the thing they are trying to do.

Fixed Mindset
A fixed mindset is the opposite of a growth mindset, it is when a person that tries to do something but they failed to do it so they would just stop instead of practising.

How can we have a Growth Mindset
We can have a growth mindset by practising something that we're not quite good at or something new that we want to try and if we failed at doing that instead of saying "I can't do it" we say " I can't do it yet". 

Monday, July 20, 2020

Drama Term 3

Today we played some games such as...
  • Copy circle
  • Taquila 
  • 16/16
  • Word association 
  • Name gestures 
We played these games to warm up our bodies, the games are also about being focused.
This term we are going to write a monologue and we have to write a paragraph about our characters, this is also part of our audition to show what we can do.
The audition that we are doing can be sing or a monologue, a monologue is when a person acts out a character.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Mahinga Kai

Statistical Investigation

My finished comic

This week is our last week of Art Kete, we are also putting our artwork on display for people to see.
My favourite part of  Art Kete is drawing my comic and putting it all together. I think I was successful in completing my hero's journey because I included the hero's journey into my comic. The thing that is would change for next time is to do my outlining a bit neater. I showed Commitment by having the right gear and by taking the time to finish it. 

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

How to grow plants without soil

Mini comic

After we finished making our comics we started to make our Pixton comics.
This is the digital version of my comic.