
Monday, August 31, 2020


This week we are learning about WW1 and we have to answer a set of questions. 

WHAT?  What happened to cause the war?  the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary. WHO? Who was fighting whom?  Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Turkey and the Ottoman Empire fought against Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Japan and the United States. WHERE?  Where did they fight? It took place around Europe. WHEN?    What years did WWI cover?  It was in 1914 through 1918. WHY?      Why were they fighting? They were fighting because an Archduke was assassinated and that's how the war started   HOW? How did they fight? What weapons and tactics did they use? They used trenches, Guns, toxic gas and warships

2 images of scenes from WWI to support your facts.

World War I | Facts, Causes, & History | Britannica

How the Trauma and Struggles of World War I Helped Shape the Modern World |  Duke Today

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Parihaka DLO

 Parihaka Poem

 (3 words for each letter, beginning with the same letter)

Passive, Peace, Pakeha

Ancestors, Absences, Army

Ripapa, Resistance, Ruined

Island, Incarcerated, Invaded 

Hungry, History, Historic

Angry, Areas, Armed

Killed, Killing, Kindred

Aim, Aotearoa, Aftermath

DRAW IMAGES/ Copy and Paste to illustrate your poem in this rectangle

A place for returning: injustice, legacy and reconciliation at ...

Friday, August 21, 2020


Perimeter and area are for 2D shapes and volume are for 3D shapes.                                                              Volume is the amount of space in an object.                                                                                                      You can work out the volume of something you just have to multiply the length, width and depth.             For example 5cm x 3cm x 7cm

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Dot to Dot Gold rush

A few weeks ago Mrs Alpers gave us a dot to dot work for the Goldrush that we are doing. This dot to dot is about two person on the tram.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Gold Rush Poem

This week we have to continue the poems to make a sentence and it has to be about the NZ gold rush

Gold is rare.

Gold was found.

Gold can solve poverty at the time.

Gold feels smooth.

Gold looks shiny.

Gold buys food.

Gold makes money.

Gold often is mixed with silver.

Gold comes from sand.

Gold always is heavy.

Gold brings happiness but not for long. 

Gold gives wealth.  

Gold has value.

Gold will be found.

Gold provides houses.

Acrostic Poem









Maslow's hierarchy of needs

 Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a list of important needs of a human being, at the bottom, there is Physiological needs which is food, air, shelter, sleep and clothing, it is at the bottom because it is the foundation of basic needs. On the very top, there is Self-actualization and there are also a few more before you get to the top, if you want to be at the top of it you need to make sure that you have the others sorted first. Being your best self is a journey, if you're already up there that doesn't mean you can't improve yourself even more.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs | Simply Psychology

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Fitness Results

Fitness Results
-Which one am I happy with?
I am happy with my beep test results because I think I did better than last year and my result is higher.

-Not so happy with.
I am not so happy with my agility run because I feel like I take a long time to do it and I wish I didn't take that long.

-Thoughts around my fitness.
I think I'm not in the best shape and I need to run more often and exercise more.

-2 areas to improve in the next few weeks.
I want to improve on my agility run and my 30m sprint for the next few weeks.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

What makes a good friend?

I think what makes a good friend is when someone cares about you and not just say they care but they show it too, another thing is when you can be vulnerable with someone and they won't say it to anyone else.
A good friend is also someone you can communicate well with and that is willing to listen and someone that is accepting. Fake friends stay for a while but real friend stays for eternity. 

3 Ways to Find Good Friends - wikiHow