
Thursday, September 30, 2021

ESOL reflection term 3

 The best lesson, in my opinion, is what we did yesterday, all we had to do was a short test and we could do whatever we like afterwards. The thing that I enjoyed doing in this class is watching a movie because we don't have to do a lot of work. One of the tasks that I am most proud of is my presentation of Thailand that I did for the Penguin Bloom activities. I liked it because I got to research a country that I didn't know very well. Something that I would do differently next term is trying not to be talkative and pay more attention. For next term maybe we could watch more movies and play more games. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Bag planning


Electricity Series and Parallel circuit

What is the difference between a series and parallel circuit?
On a series circuit, the electrons go on the same path and the parallel branches off on different paths. 

What is voltage and current in a circuit?
The voltage is how much energy flows in the circuit and the current is how much fast the electrons move.

Explain why a string of Christmas tree lights would be parallel not series.
Because there are multiple pathways for the electrons to travel on and if one of them is broken the whole thing wouldn't be affected because it's not a series circuit. 

Monday, September 27, 2021

Static & Current electricity

Static Electricity

 -What are the 3 particles that make up everything? Which ones have a positive and negative charge?

They are Proton, Neutron and Electron. Proton has a positive charge while Electron has a negative charge.

-Objects want to be "electrically neutral", What does that mean?

It is when there is an equal amount of Proton and Electron. 

-When you rub two insulators you can get a static shock.

It passes the Electron to you.

-What is an example of static electricity?

When you rub a balloon on your head.  

Current Electricity

-What is the particle that moves in a wire? 

They are called electrons.

-If there is a high current in a circuit what does this mean? 

There is a high voltage. 

-How does electricity work to heat up a stove

It converts electric energy into heat energy. 

-Where is DC electricity used? Where is AC electricity used?

DC can be used for charging batteries, aircraft etc. 

AC is used to power homes, businesses and lightbulbs. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

The cay ch12-13 questions

 1. How many days have Philip and Timothy been on the cay?

They have been there for forty-eight days.

2. What does Philip do to help Timothy when he is sick?

Timothy teaches Philip how to fish.

3. Explain why Philip is ready to climb the coconut tree.

He's been getting the fish for two days so he felt ready enough to climb the coconut tree. 

4. Why do you think Timothy is trying to teach Philip these survival skills?

I think he is trying to teach Philip these things because he is old and sick to the point his body can no longer do the things he used to do to help them survive.

5. What do you think Philip means by his comment?

I think that he said it in a comedic way since he hasn't seen timothy for a long time he asks if he's still black.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

4 main events that happened in ch 6-8 The Cay

After reading the 3 chapters one of the tasks was to make a DLO about the top 4 main events that happened. Here is the one I made.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

The Cay Ch 6-8

For this week's readings ch 6-8, it starts off with Timothy spotting a cay in the distance but then Philip fell in the water when there were sharks. Timothy forgets that Philip is blind but then saves him from the sharks. Philip has hesitant to go to the cay but Timothy said they were gonna be safer there. Once they got there Timothy looked around the small island leaving Philip by himself if stew cat but stew cat also wanders off and Philip being completely by himself.

When Timothy gets back Philip was mad because he was blind on the beach with nobody. Timothy makes them a small hut to live in for while but then realise that boats weren't gonna find them there because of the corals so the ships wouldn't be able to get close enough to the cay, that makes Philip madder a Timothy.  Timothy once again left Philip at the hut to get langosta, he left Philip because it would be dangerous for him since he's blind, Timothy came back with some small langosta and cooked it.  After that Philip helped Timothy write help on rocks while Timothy puts them on the sand. That was also when Philip realized that Timothy didn't know how to spell but he decides to play along and pretend he didn't know.  This is all I can remember from what I've read this week.