
Saturday, February 27, 2021

PIzza Swirl

On Friday we made Pizza Swirls. The people in our team is Lhysette, Emma and Kurt, we always work really well because we always know who does what and we just work well in general.
This is how they turned out before we put them in the oven we divided them into eight pieces to we can have 2 each. 
They turn out really good, the edges are toasted as well as onions inside and when you bite into it the cheese is stringy. The cheese and the ham pulled it all together.

When it came out of the oven it smelt like cheese and the tomato sauce, it smelt good overall.  

It is similar to the scones because the outside is toasted but the inside is soft.

I wouldn't change anything because I really like it and I would probably make it at home.  

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

How to Identify different types of camera shots and angles

This week for 9Hur1 we are learning about different camera shots and angles. Our task was partner up and make a presentation showing the different shots and angles.                                                                              Here is mine and Emalea.

How to identify different types of camera shots and angles 

Friday, February 19, 2021

Cheese Scones

This week we made cheese scones, we accidentally put all the cheese in the bough so we didn't put any cheese on top of the scones but we just put some milk on the top. 

Here are all the ingredients that we used. The scones turned out really nice, the outside was a little toasted and the inside was soft. When it came out it smelt like cheese.

I wouldn't change anything that much but I think it would taste better if there was cheese on top and left them in the oven for a bit longer so all of them would but toast.

Overall, they were really good, and my team worked really well because we spilt the job pretty evenly.

What I like to do on the weekend

 What I like to do on the weekend 

Over the weekends I go on a walk with my Dad at the beach at dawn. I also like to watch movies with my family at home and eating popcorn. The movies that we watch are Filipino rom-com. Some weekends we just stay at home, relax and spend time together but on some weekends we go to different places.

After I go to church with my family we go to the mall and look around and sometimes we eat out for lunch. Most of the time there is a gathering that we go to with friends, like birthday parties or just to have fun and spend time together. Me and my family like to go to the city and explore some of the places we haven’t been to. 

When we get home from the places we go to me and my brothers have to do our chores. When we do finish I try to help my Mum or my Dad cook our lunch/dinner. We don’t always go out for dinner because we’d rather be at home and eat the meal that my parents cook. 


Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Taika Waititi

Image result for taika waititi

-Early Life 

Taika Waititi was born on August 16, 1975, in Ruakokore, Waihau Bay. He and his wife married in 2011 and has 2 children named  Matewa Kiritapu and Te Hinekāhu. His Dad was an artist and his Mum was a schoolteacher. His Mums side of the family were Russian Jews with a mix of Irish and his Dad is Moari and a bit of French Canadian. His parents split when he was five but his Mother raised him for the most part. 

For school, he studied theatre at victoria university of wellington and got a bachelor degree in Art in 1997.


When he was in school he was also in a five-member ensemble called “So you’re the man”. They toured in New Zealand and Australie and he was also in a comedy duo with Jemaine Clement. In 2005 two of his short films earned him an Acadamy nomination. The movies he’s worked on and been in are Jojo rabbit, What we do in the shadows. Boy, Thor: Ragnarock and Hunt for the wilder people, just to name a few.

Source Via: Google & Wikipedia

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Bread case

 On Friday for cooking, we made bread cases. I put spaghetti, ham and cheese. our group worked well because we knew what we had to do.

I liked it because it tasted really nice and it smelt good. The bread was crispy and tips of the bread were brown because it was toasted and it smelt like spaghetti and cheese. It also tasted like pizza.

I wouldn't change anything because it like it but if I had to change one thing I would probably put the beans or the corn to see what it would taste like.

Friday, February 12, 2021

321 RIQ 9ESOL Feb 12

Today we learnt how to use 321 RIQ, it is a strategy for writing a reflection. No. 3 is for 3 Recalls- 3 things we remember about the lesson. No.2 is 1 insight- 2 new things we learnt in the lesson. No.1 is for 1 question- 1 question that we have about something we didn't understand of still want to know more about. The R is for Recall, I is for insights and Q is for Question.

The three things that I remember that we did at ESOL was the name game, a game that we played to learn each other's names, Miss Truters pepeha and when we had to write about ourselves.
Two new things I learnt from our lessons is 321 RIQ and things about Miss Truter.
One thing that I want to know a little bit more about the people in my class.