
Wednesday, November 21, 2018

A and P show

A and P show

A and p show is a show with animals and entertainments. There are games, motorbikes, horses, sheeps and other cool stuff. You can also get free things like toys and get your blood pressure checked.

The A and P show is really cool because you can
see people riding Horses and touch fluffy lambs.

The things that you can do there are carnival rides and eating tiptop ice cream. You can also go to the shops and watch the wood chopping competition. The wood competition is  a competition where you have to cut the wood planks in half.

I think people should go to the A and P show because it is fun and entertaining.

My favourite thing was the lambs. It feels like touching a fluffy clouds.

As you can see you should go to the A and P show because there lots of stuff to do there and fun stuff to do.

Monday, November 12, 2018

My Persuasive writing

Persuasive writing
I strongly think that fireworks should be only be used in public display and should not be sold in stores.

I feel this way because fireworks can be dangerous and can harmful.

One story that shows how dangerous home fireworks can be is… when Miss Thomason told us a story that her friend has many fireworks and combined is and it lit up and lost three of his finger and half of his hand and a little girl lit up fireworks and she waited but nothing happened then she came up to it and it exploded.

For all of these obvious and clear reasons, I strongly feel that fireworks should only be seen in public display.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Thursday, August 23, 2018

my task in the past 2 weeks

Hi guys,my task was to show other people what is glow grow connect, this is what we have to do

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

what is compatible numbers

what is a compatible number?Compatible numbers are numbers that are close in value to the actual numbers.
for example 24+30+26= first you are going to add the 24+26. add the 20 and the other 20= 40+4+6=50 then just add the 30 to the 50 =80

my narrative story

my writing task was to write a narrative that had characters, a setting,
a problem and a resolution.

The opposite twins
By Qyn
Two opposite twins were walking in the white hot sand in Boracay in the
Philippines. Stella is the younger twin, she has light brown curly hair.
Jason is the older twin, he also has light brown curly hair. They are 18.
They were completely opposite in looks and personality.
Stella is girly, sassy and a bit mean.
Jason is kind, brave, tall and has brown eyes.

Stella and jason were walking in the white hot sand and then they found a boat.
Jason asked their teacher, Miss M if they can use the boat.
Miss M was at the other end of the resort.
She yelled “yes!!” to the kids.
So Jason and Stella hopped onto the boat.
Jason started the motor and sailed of.
They were in the middle of nowhere and suddenly the motor stopped.
Stella and Jason panicked.
They were yelling out for help in case a passing boat would hear them.
Suddenly, Jason found a wooden plank floating in the ocean.  
He told Stella to lean out of the boat and grab the wood plank.
Once Stella had the wood plank in the boat, Jason and her paddled hard.
They paddled south to where they had come from.

After an hour of paddling Stella and Jason made it back to the resort.
Stella and Jason were relieved!
Stella and Jason told Miss M that the motor had stopped and they had to
make their way back using a wooden plank.
Miss M panicked, but Jason said that they were OK.

Monday, August 13, 2018

my magic trick

my task was to make a magic trick here it is 

what i did for reading

our task was to make a speech about magic and what we think of it.

this is what is did for my reading

Magic is an illusion that looks real.It can be performed anywhere in the world.
There is different type of magic,black magic, hilo magic,healing magic and many more.magic is cool because it can be performed by anyone.
People can make one bird into two birds and one handkerchief into two handkerchief.
A magician is someone who will entertain an audience by performing magic tricks, effects or illusions. These tricks and illusions seem impossible or supernatural to the audience.
please leave a comment about what should i use more often like put it on a slide instead of a doc or a google drawing.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

please read

Hi there, 

My name is Qyn. I love dogs and i like to play sports like Hockey and Basketball and i like to sing in the shower.
 I am a animal lover.
I like wolves,pandas and deer's. 
I am Asian and i was born in the Philippines. 
My favourite desert is ice cream and i love kawaii stuff. My friends say i am very  crafty. 
My dream is to got to Disney land, Paris and Los Angeles.
My blog  is about my learning please follow me.

you can find it in my left have top corner
please leave a comment so i know that you are following me
and i will try to post interesting things for you. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

private information

I have been making a poster about private information. When I was making this poster I learned that to never share you private information to people you don know. I really enjoyed making this poster and this poster helped me a lot. Me and my friends was making this poster is because we wanted to help people to stop sharing important things about them to other people. That´s why private information is very helpful.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Thursday, June 14, 2018

information about huskies

Huskies are a powerful breed of dogs with a thick double coat which is typically grey.
They are used in the Arctic for pulling sleds. For a female husky their height can be 50 to 56 cm and they weight up to 16 to 23 k.g.For male husky their height can be 54 to 60 cm and they can weight up to 20 to  27 k.g.They can live up to 12 to 15 years.

What are huskies used for ?
Huskies are used for pulling sleds because if someone is trying to carry  
something to a different place in the Antarctic they can just use the huskies to pull the sled so they won't have to walk all the way there.

In countries that are not cold huskies are normally ordinary dogs.

Do huskies make good pets?
Huskies make good pet because they are kind and loving dogs.
Huskies also make good pet because they can help you to pull the sled.   

What do huskies eat?
Huskies eat commercial food witch is a dog food that you can buy from the store and they also like to eat fruits such as grapes and veggies.

Now you know what type of dog breed are huskies and now you also know
that huskies make good pets. You should go and get yourself a pet husky.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

killer plants

Killer Plants
Most animals eat plants - but did you know that some plants eat animals?

There are more than four hundred species and some of the plants

are native to new Zealand

Why are some plants carnivorous?Some plants also need nutrients,

such as nitrogen to survive. Plant also get there food from the soil   

Venus Flytrap Plants? Venus Flytrap have bright green leaves with a

sharp little teeth along the edges  

Pitcher Plants. Pitcher plants look like a pitcher or a jag
Sucked In It is a group of underwater plants. It also eats animal just like the

flytrap plants

A Sticky Situation It is a plant that have sticky hair so the

fly or the insets can’t get out

Would they eat me?

Plants that are carnivorous can not eat you but if they bit you,

you wouldn’t die but for insets they would probably die

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Friday, March 16, 2018

today we went into tinkercad beast mode.
we learnt keywords like workplne. This is what we did
1 put a sphere next to a cued
2 get two pyramids and make a shape with 6 corners
3 create a sphere that is half red and half blue
4 can you made partition a 3D shape into 4 equal parts using   4 different colours

Monday, March 12, 2018

character description

for the past week i have been working on character description

character description
Dave is a very tall guy. He has brown short hair with pearly white teeth.
He has a short thin nick.
He has a red long elegant coat
with gold detail on the sleeves.
He has a golden plate on his chest.  
He is also wearing a very fashionable
black pants .
He has a brown long magical wand on his right hand.

Dave is at a very big stage in la, there were lots of big lights shining on his face
The stage was big as a million dollar Limousine.
The crowd was cheering because they were so excited to see the greatest showman


Thursday, March 8, 2018

learning how to use tinkercad

this morning we have been using tinker cad. tinker cad is going to helping us with geometry. i have made different shapes ... take a look at my work    

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

reading task

can you make your own bigfoot