
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Week 9 do now

 Being able to be confident when public speaking is an important life skill:

I agree with this because there will be many times when you have to publicly speak and if you're not confident in public speaking then that would be difficult. like for instance if you have a job meeting, that is still public speaking you have to be confident in doing that. so that is why I think being able to be confident when public speaking is an important life skill.

Monday, June 28, 2021

Week 9 do now

 Matariki should be a public holiday:

I agree with this statement because we already celebrate it so much why not make a public holiday.  We celebrate the Chinese New Year why not Maori New Year. So that's why I think Matariki should be a public holiday 

Matariki | 100% Pure New Zealand

Sunday, June 27, 2021


On Friday we made turon which is a Filipino snack. we made turon because for this lesson we got to choose what we wanted to make. My stakeholder was my friends, they didn't have any dietary needs and likes any Filipino food.


Prepare the wrappers by peeling them apart, then cover the peeled wrappers with a damp paper towel to keep them moist. Peel the bananas and cut each into halves lengthwise. Place the brown sugar into a flat dish and roll the slices of banana completely covering each slice with a generous amount of brown sugar. Place a banana slice along the end of the pastry closer to you. Fold both sides (left and right) of the wrapper inward towards the banana. Use water to moisten the wrappers so it is easier to fold. Now roll it towards the other end away from you. Use water again to seal the edge. Heat oil in a frying pan over low heat. Once the oil is hot, add some of the wrapped bananas and fry for 3-5 minutes on each side or until the wrapper turns golden brown. Drain them on a paper towel and serve while warm and the wrapper is crispy.

Instructions by Foxy folks

My friends really liked the Turon, they said they could really taste the banana but they wished the banana was sweeter. They said they smelt really good and they liked how crispy the outside was.

Next time I should add more brown sugar since they said they would like it to be sweeter but other than that I wouldn't change anything  

Lhysette and I worked well because it was familiar to us. It was really easy for us to make because we already knew how to make it and because we both cook it with our mums. There weren't any difficulties when it came to making them.

Overall it was really fun and easy to make Turon and people seemed to like it when they tasted it.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Week 8 do now

English is the most important subject to learn in school:

I disagree, I personally think that English isn't the most important subject to learn in school. Though it is important I just don't think it's the most important. There are other important subjects to learn in school like maths. So that is why I disagree that English is the most important subject to learn in school.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Apple Turnovers

About two weeks ago we made apple turnovers, we usually have three people in our team but one person recently joined us so now the people in our team is me, Lhysette, Emma and Ebony. 

Our team work really well and as usual, the lesson went pretty smoothly at least for our group.

The turnovers were easy to make and it didn't make a whole mess in the kitchen. I kina wish we left them in the oven for a bit longer so the outside would be more crispy and toasted but we didn't have enough time to. 

They tasted and smelt really good, you can taste and smell the cinnamon. Overall a pretty easy thing to make, the preparation didn't take that long but baking then took a while.


Corn+ Bacon fritters


A few weeks ago we made corn and bacon fritters. I don't remember much of what happened since I was only there for the first half of the lesson. 

From what I can remember we worked well and we knew who was doing what and we were pretty organised. 

At the start of the lesson, to me, corn and bacon fritters didn't sound so good but from what they said afterwards it seems like they tasted really nice. 


Distillation: Separating a solution using evaportation+condensation. 

Experiment/ aim: To show the processes of evaporation and condensation by separating coke and sugar-free coke to see how much sugar is present.  

The 3 states of matter are solid, liquid and gas. 

Heat up coke- until all the liquid is evaporated, trapping the gas in the tube.

- Use ice around the test tube to condense the gas. 

Evaporating is when you make a liquid into gas and condensation is when you turn gas into a liquid. 

I think what will happen is when we evaporate the coke we can see a lit of sugar, but for the sugar-free one then I don't think we'll see any of it. I also think that we will be able to see the liquid evaporating into gas, then be able to condense the gas into liquid. 


1. Set up the equipment as shown in the diagram.

2. Add approximately 50 ml of coke into your conical flask.

3. Light your bunsen burner. Open the air hole and gently push the bunsen burner under the tripod.

4. Heat the solution until most of the solvent has been evaporated. Turn off your bunsen burner. 

During the experiment, the coke was bubbling up because we were heating it up then it started evaporating, The steam went up the tube and into the test tube, as the coke kept bubbling and the steam travels up the other tube more water filled the test tube.

When it was evaporating water when to the test tube because we were condensing it at the same time. The test tube was in a beaker and it was also filled with ice and that was how we condensed the coke. 

Monday, June 21, 2021

What is Debating

Today we are learning the different terms in debating, we are doing this because on the last week of term we are doing an election as a part of our social studies. 

Debating- It is when people argue about something but in a formal way.

Pro vs con- The pro stands for the proposition and the con is opposition. The pro is also for "for" and the con is for "against". 

Proposition-  Proposition can either be true or false, it is a statement that provides support or evidence. 

Opposition-  They are on the other side of the proposition, They express their beliefs and they could disagree with the opponent. 

Order of Debate- It is pretty self-explanatory because what it means is the sequence of how the debate goes.  

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Learning expectations

 Learning expectations

We were given a sheet of paper that has four columns that have the CARR (Commitment, Achievement, Resilience and Respect) values, underneath those columns with expectations we highlight the ones that we do.

Things that I already do

  • I bring my device to class charged.

I always charge my device before going to school.

  • Meet deadlines.

I hand in my work on time and never go past the deadline.

  • Work well with everyone.

If we have to work with different people there isn’t any conflict between us.

  • Move quickly and quietly. 

When the teacher asks us to get something out I do it quickly while being quiet. 

Things I need to work on:

  • Report any damage or dangers

The only reason why I didn’t highlight this one is because I was going to but they already saw it and if they didn’t I would report it.

  • Have confidence to speak up.

I don’t like to speak in front of others because I get anxious and nervous.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021


Pigments are a substance that gives colour to things, the things that use pigments are felts, paint, plastic, food, fabric and even animals and plants. 

Aim-  To separate the different pigments from ink using chromatography.  

Hypothesis: I think we'll see which pigments more soluble than others and the different colours in the felt. 

Equipment- Felt tip pen, filter paper strips, test tube measuring cylinder and pencil.


1- Draw a line across the filter paper in pencil, 5cm from the bottom.

2- Draw a coloured dot in the centre of the line.

3- Measure out 10mL of water and place it in the test tube.

4- Place the filter paper in the test tube and fold over the side. MAKE SURE THE PENCIL LINE/ DOT IS NOT IN THE WATER.

5- Wait for 5 minutes and observe the results

There were different types of pigments in the felt and most of them are soluble. 

Monday, June 14, 2021

Week 7 -1/2

 Your name is an important part of who you are:

I personally agree with this statement because that is what you go by, you may not like your name but you could always change it to something you like. Your name is unique to you and that's what makes it important. 

Friday, June 11, 2021

Health week 6

 Today we played some games like operation, cards and connect 5. The people I played with was Kurt and Alex. My favourite game that we played was operation because it was fun and we laughed a lot. The interpersonal skills that used were verbal communication and manaakitanga. Interpersonal skills are important to use in these games because if you don't the games wouldn't turn out very well, for example, if you don't use interpersonal skills for playing cards you don't know what card game you're playing 

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Policies and Facts

 5 policies that I really like

  • Increase funding for animal welfare programmes 

  • Implement a national action plan to help eliminate everyday racism and discrimination

  • Work with schools to make school more inclusive for rainbow students

  • Involve young people in policy decisions that affect them 

  • Expand free school lunches programme 

6 facts about working in government 

  • Members of parliament usually earn between $160,000 and $180,000 a year. 

  • The Prime Minister's salary is set at $470,000.

  • Most mayors and regional council chairs can earn between $52,000 and $190,000. The mayor of Auckland is New Zealand's highest paid mayor and earns about $270,000 a year.

  • usually work full time, though some, particularly community board members, work part time and do other jobs.

  • at least 18 years old.

  • a New Zealand citizen.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Mother Teresa

 After we finished our essay's, our next task was focused on Mother Teresa. There is a slide with information and we had to answer a set of questions. Here are some of the information that I learnt 

She was born on the 26th August 1910 and the name she was given was Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu. She was 18 when she became a nun. she had won a noble prize in 1979 but didn't accept it because She knew that they would spend money but she rather not accept because she thought the money should go to something more important.

Monday, June 7, 2021


For our week 5 lesson, we made mini open-top pastry savouries. I had to go in the middle of the lesson but when I was still there it went pretty smoothly, everyone in the group was doing some sort of job and we weren't butting heads with each other. 

The savouries were really good because they had the right amount of bits and pieces that were in them but I didn't really like the corn that was In it because it didn't really go with it. The egg was good as well as bacon and peas.

I wouldn't really make any difference if I would make it again apart from the corn. Overall I really like it, it seemed pretty easy to make and it wasn't messy.  

Friday, June 4, 2021

New Zealand policies

For social studies we are looking at becoming Prime Minister, yesterday we were asked to look at the New Zealand Policies. On the NZ Policy site, there are a few tabs about different topics and if you click it there's even more. The one I focused on the most was community and inclusion. Here are the Policies that I liked most. 

Community and inclusion 

Animal welfare 

Increase funding for animal welfare programmes

Oppose most animal testing


Continue increasing the number of learning support coordinators in schools 

Provide greater support for public leadership for the disability community

free expression and hate speech 

Implement a national action plan to help eliminate everyday racism and discrimination

Rainbow community 

Ensure healthcare is responsive to the needs of trans, intersex and gender diverse people

Work with schools to make school more inclusive for rainbow students

Increase funding for rainbow youth mental health services

Increase funding for rainbow youth mental health services

Young people 

Provide free counselling to everyone under 25

Involve young people in policy decisions that affect them 



Increase teacher professional development for literacy, numeracy and STEM subjects

Expand free school lunches programme 


Ban some hard to recycle single-use plastic items by 2025

Standardise kerbside recycling nationwide

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Do now Week 5

 The principal is the most important person in the school.

I personally agree and disagree. The reasoning is that yes the principal is an important person in school but what about the students, the students are the reason for the school but then again the principal is the one running the school and without the principal things might not go as well. I think the principal is important but not the most

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Concentration and Dilution

 Today we are learning about Concentration and Dilution. 

What is concentration? measure how much of something is dissolved in a liquid. 

what is dilution? making something less concentrated and there will be fewer particles in the liquid. 

Ways we can measure in two ways- how dilute something is (how weak it is) and how concentrated something is (how strong it is). 

Solute- solid that dissolves. 

Solvent- the liquid that dissolves.

Solution- a mixture of Solute+Solution 

When we moved the solution over to the other tubes the colours lessened and became light. the reason is that the liquid becomes more diluted because there is more water that is being mixed in.