
Monday, May 31, 2021


Today we are focusing on filtering, filtering is separating different sized particles out of a mixture. Not all mixtures can be filtered. only insoluble particles, only things that are different sizes. 

Our aim is to separate a solution from a precipitate. I think what will happen is that we will be able to separate the liquid. 


1. Pour approximately 50mL of copper sulfate solution into a beaker.

2. Add the same volume of sodium carbonate solution. A reaction will happen, you should see a cloudy blue precipitate form. Called copper carbonate. 

3. Watch demo then fold filter paper to fit inside the funnel

4. Place the funnel with the filter paper inside of it, into the mouth of a conical flask. 

5. Stir the mixture in the beaker, then carefully pour it into the funnel. 

6. Observe what happened.

Observations and Discussion: the solution is a darker blue than before but when it went through the filter it is clear with a slight tint of blue. what's left in the filter paper is some blue sludge. I think the blue is left behind because of the filter paper.


Sodium carbonate

Copper sulfate

Conical flask

Stirring Rod

200mL Beaker


Filter paper

9Hur 1 essay: Why Jacinda Ardern is an influential NZ Leader

 Why jacinda Ardern is an infuential NZ Leader  

I chose Jacinda Ardern as an influential NZ Leader, one of the reasons is that she is NZ’s youngest head of government in the last 150 years. She joined the Labour party at the age of 17 and has become the head of the party in 2017.  She is influential to many people because of the things she has done throughout her time being in the Labour Party.

She is the second in the world to become a mother while still in office. Usually, mothers take longer than a few months after they give birth to their child, sometimes even a year but not Jacinda, she went back to the office 6 weeks after giving birth.  The majority of women in office already had their kid(s) before becoming a leader but balancing being a mother to an infant and leading an entire country can be very difficult, that just shows how devoted she is to her job. 

Jacinda Ardern got global praise because of how she handled covid-19 and being crowned “best responder”.  Her having a strict lockdown resulted in New Zealand being a covid free place despite the two waves that accrued. She handled it so well she even shared some tactics with Joe Biden on how to deal with covid.  As you can see she has done so much to keep us safe and covid free. 

A lot of people supported her even more because of what she did during one of New Zealand’s Darkest day’s which was the mosque attack. She empathises with people not just sympathise with them, she showed she cared about everyone, not just the people who were born here but different nationalities and beliefs, Jacinda didn’t just say “thoughts and prayers'' like any other leader or person but she hugged the people who were affected and wore black clothing when she came to meet the people who were affected and even wore a headscarf. I think that’s why she is such a great leader, she is not only compassionate about others but also shows that she cares and she finds common ground with diverse groups of people. She tells everyone is welcome here in New Zealand. 

Overall you can tell Jacinda Ardern isn’t the type of leader to sit around and say “thoughts and prayers ' when something is happening, she is not only empathetic but compassionate.  Her taking action quickly lets us go back to “normal” but those aren’t the only things she’s done and accomplished, she is the world's youngest female head of government. She became the second woman to be elected president of the International Union of Socialist Youth which is the world's largest international political youth organisation and At 28 years old she joined The House of Representatives as the youngest member. These are the types of things that I think make a good leader and it so happens that Jacinda Ardern has done these things and has proven that no matter the age you can be an influential leader. 

Friday, May 28, 2021

100 word challenge

Last  Tuesday we wrote about a topic and only using 100 words. The topic that I chose to write about is my friends, here is mine:

I first met Lorraine when I was 6 years old when we were in primary school then came Faye a few months later. I met Anica a few years later and after that I met Liyah and Eunize. In 2017 I met Zoe and we were in the same class. That was a few years ago, some friends come and go. Kristlle and I met in April 2019 when Faye and I started going to Hornby High. I Think it was 3 years ago when I might Kl. In 2020 I met Stephanie when  she started Hornby then the following August or September I met Alexis. 

Shark infested custard

 The aim of the game is to get across the court with the whole team but only using 3 hula hoops without dragging it across. the things that made it easier was the team size (6 per team but some are only 5), not throwing the hoop too far and helping the other team members get across to the other hoop. We finished second though the other team only had 5 and they were dragging it across. 

Cup Challenge

For health, we used our interpersonal skills to complete a challenge which was to get a set of cups over the table one by one by only using 4 strings and one elastic band. There are four people that have to hold the strings and if not all of the people are holding the string then they would be disqualified. 

The Teacher will time us then the team with the fastest time and fewer cups that dropped wins but if you have a fast time but dropped 1 cup out of the 5 then you don't win because you didn't get all the cups across. Our time is 20 secs and got all the cups to the other table, out of everyone we came second place. 

Types of Government

 Types of Government 


It is a government where people vote who their leader will be, for example, in New Zealand, we get to choose who will run the country.


It is a system of government where a family of royals/ the king or queen lead a country or countries and if they abdicate the next member in line will lead the country/countries.


Dictatorship is when one or more people have all the power to lead the country. 


Communism is where it’s led by no one but the whole communism itself. 


It is where a government has total control of its citizens including Their personal lives. 


A small group of privileged and wealthy people, for corrupted and selfish purposes. 


It is where no one is in charge of a country and everyone has the freedom to do anything they want. 

My opinion 

Democracy, Monarchy and Communism 

I think it works better than the other coming from how we live and how it runs. I personally think It’s my favourite type of government. I think it works well because people are heard and they include their opinions and it comes to who is running the place. 

Totalitarianism, Dictatorship and Anarchy

It just seems really chaotic and when it comes to dictatorship and totalitarianism, I feel like people are just being bossed around but anarchy just seems like there are gonna be a lot of problems. 

Thursday, May 27, 2021


This year I am in Mrs Costello's math class, I first thing we did this year was a reflected name art. Here is mine: 


Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Do now week 4 -2/2

 Rugby is the most definitive sport of Aotearoa:

I agree that rugby is the most definitive sport in Aotearoa. The reason is that it is the national sport and when people think about NZ rugby is one of the things they think about. So that is why I think rugby is the most definitive sport of Aotearoa. 

Monday, May 24, 2021

Do Now Week 4 -1/2

Schools should have more mufti days.

Oreo paragraph 

Opinion                                                                                                                                                              Reason                                                                                                                                                            Example                                                                                                                                                            Opinion 

I Agree schools should have more mufti days. I think we should have more of them because school uniforms aren't really that comfortable like for example spending 6 1/2 hours in a stiff uniform wouldn't be the best. For girls wearing a skirt in the cold isn't good, yes we can wear tights but that doesn't block out the cold as much so being in mufti we don't have to wear uniforms suited for summer. So that is why I think we should have more mufti days.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Crepes with fresh fruits

This week for cooking we made crepes, all three of us was there so we had fewer things to do since the jobs are evenly distributed. It was pretty easy to make because it was similar to the pikelets that we made last week.

Like I said it was pretty easy to make, you just have to put the batter in the pan and wait for it to bubble a little bit then flip it. On the inside, you can put pretty much whatever but in mine, I put some hazelnut spread and bananas but you can also put jam, syrup and other toppings.

When making them it wasn't messy and It tasted really good so I would do it again.


Friday, May 21, 2021

Jacinda Ardern and Good Leadership Qualities

7 Defining Characteristics Of Jacinda Ardern's Leadership Style | British  VogueJacinda Ardern 

  • Shows empathy 

  • Great speaker 

  • Relatable to others 

  • Respects everyone 

  • Shows compassion

Important timeline of Jacinda Ardern

She is New Zealand’s 3rd female Prime Minister. She was 18 when she first joined the Labour party. She is the youngest female person to become a prime minister.

1980 was when Jacinda Ardern was born.

She joind the Labour party in 1999.

In 2005 she went to Britin for an Overseas experience.

2008 was when she was first elected to be an MP in the general election.

At 28 years old she joined The House of Representatives as the youngest member

In 2017 she was elected to be New Zealand’s Prime Minister and became the youngest head of government in over 150 years. 

March 15 was when people saw her in a different way, the compassionate and empathic side of her. 

In 2020 she received global praise for how she handled Covid-19 resulting in being crowned the “best responder”. 

During the white island tragedy she comforted the first responders with hugs and that became iconic.

Personal thoughts 

The qualities that I think are important in a leader are…

  • Listens to the people

  • Compassionate

  • Shows empathy

  • Great speaker

I think Jacinda Ardern shows those qualities and that's what makes her a good leader. 

The source that I used is right here.

Via: britannica,Time  

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Do now week 3

Cats are better than dogs

I disagree with this because I think that dogs are better than cats.                                                                      I think that they are better because their scratches are less painful than cat scratches. I just find them to be a little bit more friendly. Personally I think dogs are cuter than cats but that's up to you. Dogs win this case for me.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

drawing with a pair


The IP skill that I used today was….

non-verbal communication, verbal communication and actively listening.

Using this IP skill helped her and I draw our picture.

This helped with the activity because we were using non-verbal communication by using our hands to show the shape of the thing that we are trying to draw.

Today I worked well with Emalea. An example of when we worked well together was when she was describing the different shapes I had to draw.

If I got to do the activity again, I would be more descriptive.

I worked at level 3 of Hellison's Behaviour Model. Examples of what I did to show that I worked at this level are I didn't need the teacher's supervision and it was a self directed work.

Sunday, May 16, 2021



For the first practical lesson of the term, we made Pikelets.
There are usually 3 or 4 people in our group but it was only me and Lhysette. We worked really well because we just communicate better. 

It was pretty easy to make but it was a bit time consuming. When making the batter it was easy but when we were mixing the egg and the sugar it was hard because we haven't used that type of whisk  before. 
When we finished making them, they tasted and smelt like normal pancakes but more sugary. When I first tasted it, it was a bit plain but when I got home I put some chocolate syrup and it made it taste better.

Over all I really like it and it was easy to make but it just takes a bit longer to do because of how small we made them.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Do now week 2 - 2/2

 School uniforms must be mandatory 

I think that school uniforms shouldn't be mandatory, they shouldn't be mandatory because they aren't really that comfortable to wear and they are a bit expensive. Them not being mandatory is better in my opinion because clothing is a way of expressing ourselves. It would be a bit harder to pick out an outfit every day but I'd rather be comfortable in my own clothes. I just personally just don't like them so I think school uniforms shouldn't be mandatory.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Do now week 2 - 1/2

 Elephants are the greatest animal of all 

Are Elephants are the greatest animal of all? Elephants are great animals but I personally disagree with this one just because, yes they are great but they are not the "greatest animal of all time". 

I think that there are greater animals like Pandas but that doesn't mean Elephants aren't great. There are just so many animals to pick just one that is the greatest one of them all. At the end of the day not everyone likes the same animal, for some people Elephants are the greatest animals of all time but for someone like me, I think that there are other animals that are greater. 

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Rat dissection

On Tuesday we dissected a rat, the rat was albino so there wasn't any pigmentation meaning the skin and the rest of its body was white apart from the eyes because it was red. 

The main reason why we did the dissection was to identity its organs, the organs that we saw were its heart, lungs, long intestines, small intestines, stomach and when we were opening it up we saw the rib cage.

The first thing that we did was cut open the chest, then we carefully used the scissors to cut downwards without puncturing any of the organs. We were having a bit of trouble cutting it open because the arms wouldn't stay in place so we pinned them down. We made sure that we didn't cut open the large intestine which has all its faeces. 

After that, we just looked at its organs like the small intestine which was a lot longer than I thought it would be. We also took pictures but I won't be showing them for obvious reasons. 

When we were finished we wrapped the rat with newspaper then wiped down the tables and washed our hands even though we were wearing gloves. 

I personally didn't enjoy it that much but I don't really mind doing it again

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Culture clash

 Term 1 for art we have been learning how to paint and the different techniques, we have also been learning about colours, tones, contrast and competition etc. We learnt all of these to create our painting. First, we had to plan it out so we drew thumbnail sketches. Our painting has to have Pacifica and Manga incorporated into it. Here is my painting and other stuff we did during Art.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Week 1 do now

 Topic: School holiday should only be one week long.

Should school holidays only be one week long?                                                                                                I personally disagree with this because school is so long and we need more break. It should be longer than one week because we need to reset and take care of our well-being because people could be stressed from school.

It should be longer because for some people that is the only time that they can spend time with their parents or the people that they are visiting for the school holidays. One week for a school break is not enough because we need to clear our brain and not focus on school for once, we also sometimes want to sleep in because we have to wake up early for school all the time. 


Neuralink is a new type of technology that lets you control things with your mind. This is shown when a monkey is playing mind pong with its mind because it has a chip in its brain. This could change everything because you have the source for everything if you have it and it could change how we do normal things in life. As you can see this new technology could be used for either good or bad because you could do so much more but if it ends up in the wrong hands it could be used against us. I personally would get it if the risk of death wouldn’t be high because it could make me smarter. 

Monday, May 3, 2021

Comprehension Questions

 For the first class of the term, we had a comprehension task, which was to read a book and do the activity card. The book that I chose is Going, going and gone. The activity is  Prefixes That Form Opposites. 

I have to write down other words that use the following prefixes to form opposites. 

Dis- Disadvantage - Advantage

In- Informal- Formal 

Il- Illegal - Legal 

Im- Impossible - Possible 

Ir- Iresponsible- Respondsible 

Un- Unlikely- Likely